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  • New Podcast Alert: Dr. Shashi Tharoor’s First Clubhouse Session on Network Capital

New Podcast Alert: Dr. Shashi Tharoor’s First Clubhouse Session on Network Capital

The Tech, Policy, and Politics Trilemma

Hi there,

I am Utkarsh, the CEO of Network Capital, writing to thank Dr. Shashi Tharoor for his Network Capital masterclasses, podcasts and fellowships. Network Capital is what it is because of distinguished leaders from all walks of life who share their insights with our ever growing community. We believe in diversity of perspectives, origin, political affiliations and convictions.

Yesterday, Dr. Tharoor tweeted my latest Harvard Business Review article. I was teaching in the NC Summer School so I missed it. Late at night Varya (NC Product Head) shared it with me after our daily review call. This HBR article has become among the most popular articles on their platform. Thank you all for supporting my journey as an entrepreneur, teacher and writer. It means the world to me.

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Podcast and YouTube Link of Dr. Tharoor’s First Clubhouse on Network Capital

Dr. Shashi Tharoor joined the Network Capital club on Clubhouse to discuss considerations for India as we attempt to create a new normal post pandemic.

This discussion was nuanced and focused on 3 key themes -

  1. The tech-policy-politics trilemma in the context of India.

  2. The realities of the digital divide and the challenges of EdTech.

  3. Elephant to tiger to cell phones to AI - opportunities and challenges in India ahead.Listen as Podcast

Previously, he has conducted multiple masterclasses on Network Capital. They include -

These masterclasses are a crucial past of the Network Capital Policy Bundle.

Working with/in the government is filled with learning opportunities and challenges. The Network Capital Policy Bundle is designed to help Network Capital Subscribers, navigate the policy domain.

The bundle includes -

  1. Masterclasses & podcasts by the top 0.1 percent professionals globally.

  2. Newsletters and curated content that provide insights into the industry.

  3. Network of policy professionals and the NC Policy subgroup and events

  4. 1:1 mentoring with industry leaders.

⚡️If you are new to Network Capital, start by going through our most popular - masterclass (Career Principles with Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller); newsletter(Writing Fast and Slow); and podcast (The art of writing with Dr. Shashi Tharoor)

💝 Connect and network with other Network Capital members here. You can sign up for a networking session and our serendipity tool here.

💞 If you need an invite to Clubhouse or Lunchclub, let [email protected] know. You can also reach out to them for feedback, suggestions, doubts and any help navigating the Network Capital ecosystem.