What we learned together on Network Capital this week?

Quick recap of the last 7 days

Welcome to the weekly roundup of what we learned together this week. You can subscribe to join the full suite of Network Capital’s services - access to subgroups, subscriber only newsletters, live cohort based courses, 1:1 mentorship and Network Capital TV.

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  1. Watch our recent masterclass with Mukund Rajan on his new book - Outlast: How ESG Can Benefit Your Business

  2. Join our new talent collective to get access to new & interesting job opportunities.

  3. Our next offline meet up is in Delhi on April 8, 2022. Join in!

  4. Registerations are open for our Summer School for Teenagers. Join in if you are 9 to 18 year old interested in becoming a prolific public speaker!

Dear readers,

These are a short sample of questions our community members have been trying to figure out.

  1. Should I take up a $200,000 loan to pursue higher studies?

  2. Should I quit my job that pays well and provides financial security?

  3. Should I leave my city and relocate to pursue something completely new?

  4. I have been rejected every time I apply for this job. Should I try something different?

  5. I am confused about what to do next? I am in my most productive years , yet I feel lost and directionless.

  6. I have to move to a new country and am unsure how I will fit into the new culture. I am feeling nervous.

These are big, consequential decisions that will shape the trajectories of their work and personal lives. Preparing to take such decisions requires clear mental models, a tribe of mentors, a high trust environment, personalized introductions and 1:1 coaching. That’s where the “Taking Big Decisions” program curated by Network Capital comes into picture.

In this fellowship, you will learn how to allocate time and headspace to take big decisions. You will work with a series of coaches to define your goals and figure out a clear strategy to achieve them using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix. We understand that simply knowing tools and mental models isn’t enough. Applying them needs hand-holding.We cannot tell you what to do. All we can do is to help you think things through with clarity and conviction. Join us on April 23 & 24!

Upcoming Events

PS. This is small clip from the NC Learning Retreat in Chail!

Talent Collective

We strongly believe that talent is equally distributed but opportunities are not. To help fix this divide, we are launching a talent collective that will help our members get access to curated professional opportunities.


We publish 3 long-form essays every week along with a curated job board for our subscribers. Reading these newsletters will help build your category of one.

💌 Managing work and life in a state of deep anxiety - We have observed that people often start trying to solve the core issue or make it go away before analyzing it. This leads to muddled problem solving where we jump from one aspect of a challenge to another randomly.

💌 Is finding career purpose distracting? - Mission, purpose and calling are discussed at length in management literature but not enough emphasis is placed on the nature of job - the daily activities, projects and experiences. While purpose adds meaning, the actual work needs to be considered carefully to figure how we actually feel about our job.

💌 Explore, then Exploit: Secret to Hot Career Streaks - There are periods of concentrated success and phenomenal productivity in our work lives. In just a few years, professionals seem to have accomplished way more than others. Albert Einstein in the early 1900s, Aretha Franklin in the 1960s, Steve Jobs in the 2000s, Elon Musk in the 2020s. For the longest times scientists have been trying to figure out why.

YouthINK with Network Capital Summer School

Learn how to give a public INK-style talk | For students between the ages of 9 to 18

As students embark upon their career trajectories, they will learn that complex coordination is the single most important charter for getting stuff done. They will need to learn to inspire people, give tough feedback and do so with empathy. The art of public speaking in important for this.

In the YouthINK with Network Capital Summer School, our students will -

  1. Give a public INK-style talk

  2. Join a global community of curious & ambitious students

  3. Get insights from world leaders, CXOs, & industry professionals

Classes start May 28, 2022.

Have a wonderful week ahead. — Your Network Capital Team

“Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.” ― Maya Angelou

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