What we learned together on Network Capital this week?

Quick recap of the last 7 days

Dear community members,

The Network Capital movement of helping people build meaningful careers has grown from 0 to 150,000 verified members without a single dollar spent on marketing. It has scaled through community support and word of mouth. To make this process easier, we are launching our referral program - invite 5 people to Network Capital and get 1 month subscription for free.

NC subscribers have hunger to learn and willingness to share. They are givers at heart and love adding specific value to others. If you know other ambitious and kind people, take 2 minutes and invite them to join Network Capital.


đź’Ś Shaping your career in recession, layoff season and massive uncertainty - You have now seen it all. Great resignation, great layoffs, work from home, work from anywhere, work from nowhere. If you are like most of us, your career seems like an unsolvable puzzle. Each day unleashes a new adventure that seems impossible to navigate.

đź’Ś Hiring right and being teachable - As opposed to hiring engineering professionals with experience, Cyient observed that fresh graduate engineers could be a good talent pool to get trained in engineering techniques. So not only did Cyient train them functionally, but also got them training on the engineering software itself. This ensured standardization of designs and techniques across thousands of employees. Irrespective of who was doing the work, the error rate was always below 2%.

đź’ŚA distributed apprenticeship - Curating our milieu is something we all do these days, if not always consciously. Our milieus are no longer determined by where we were born, but by our choices of friends and careers, and, increasingly, by how we train the algorithms that feed us content. Most of us have not yet developed the know-how to fully leverage this.

Outcome Driven Mentorship

Every month we invite a few people to join us for an Outcome Driven Mentorship program. Start your 2023, with intention and a structured approach to achieving your goal.

Members in the past have worked with us -

  1. Shift geographies and industries.

  2. Get promoted to leadership roles in their companies

  3. Start their independent ventures

  4. Make a high-stake and complex professional choice.

  5. Raise funds for their startups

If you’re interested, fill this form and our team will get in touch with you!

Offline Meetups

This week Network Capital Members meet in Delhi and London. On Feb 24, 2023 we will be back again in Delhi for a dinner. Join in!

Have a wonderful week ahead.

— Your Network Capital Team

“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche