Job Board + What happened on Network Capital Today

Hey Insider,

Hope you had a superb Saturday !

Today’s Job Board

Network Capital Product Management Fellowship

We are inviting registrations for the product management fellowship. Sign up now!

This fellowship is designed for people interested in -

1. Breaking into product management

2. Transitioning across industries as a product manager

3. Learning frameworks for building brilliant tech products

4. Understanding the career progression of a product manager

The Network Capital Public Speaking Fellows today in action!

Your Network Capital Team

⚡️If you are new to Network Capital, start by going through our most popular - masterclass (Career Principles with Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller); newsletter(Writing Fast and Slow); and podcast (The art of writing with Dr. Shashi Tharoor)

🔮 As a subscriber you get access to ALL masterclasses, podcasts, newsletters, fellowships and 1:1 mentoring sessions.

💝 Connect and network with other Network Capital members here. You can sign up for a networking session and our serendipity tool here.

🗣 Sign ups are open for the Masters in Common Sense.

💞 Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for any help.