The Incredible Women of Network Capital

The real force behind our global movement to democratize mentorship

Of the 100,000 members that power the Network Capital community, a little over 50% are women. They come from different age groups, cities, cultures, nationalities, convictions and inspirations.

They include city leaders like Niharika, Arshiya and Rashi, as well as mentors who have given over 10,000 hours to provide 1:1 guidance to other community members and created content you won’t find anywhere on the web.

One key reason why Network Capital blossoms is that it is largely run by women - be it the founding team, the wonderful set of Associates like Aditi, Areena, Chhavi, Aditi J, Priyamvada, Anushka, Moon, Kriti; the inimitable VP of Product + Government Affairs, Varya; the advisers including the likes to top B-school professors, global CEOs and award-winning poets.

This is Varya on the document published by NITI Aayog.

Today’s newsletter is a celebration of the women of Network Capital who have created content in the form of masterclasses, podcasts, fellowship lectures etc that reaches millions of young professionals every month empowering them to make meaningful career choices. This is just a sliver of the content. There are many more women who have shaped Network Capital but this newsletter ran out of space. Watch out for part 2 and 3.

Apple celebrates Women's History Month and International Women's Day - Apple (UK)


Let’s get started. Learn from these incredible women of Network Capital.

“Women Hold Up Half The Sky.” They must hold up half of the boardrooms, parliaments and power corridors. It is about time!

Your Network Capital Team

⚡️If you are new to Network Capital, start by going through our most popular - masterclass (Career Principles with Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller); newsletter(Writing Fast and Slow); and podcast (The art of writing with Dr. Shashi Tharoor)

🔮 As a subscriber you get access to ALL masterclasses, podcasts, newsletters, fellowships and 1:1 mentoring sessions.

💝 Connect and network with other Network Capital members here. You can sign up for a networking session and our serendipity tool here.

🗣 Sign ups are open for the Community Building Fellowship.

💞 If you need an invite to Clubhouse or Lunchclub, let [email protected] and [email protected] know. You can also reach out to them for feedback, suggestions, doubts and any help navigating the Network Capital ecosystem.