13 Reasons Why You Should Subscribe to Network Capital

What you get once you subscribe - masterclasses, personalized mentoring, full access to all subgroups

In his Harvard Business Review article, Network Capital Founder and CEO Utkarsh Amitabh shared how students and young professionals can build their category of one. Doing so will not only help them achieve their short term career objectives such as getting into top MBAs and Masters programs or getting aspirational jobs but also create context for long-term personal and professional fulfillment. Work and life are not two different, disaggregated things. Work is part of life and we need to create work-life harmony doing something we love and making an impact on the wider world.

We set up Network Capital in order to democratize career intelligence and make personalized mentoring accessible to every person on the planet. Our growth to becoming one of the world’s largest career intelligence communities with 100,000+ verified millennials has entirely been organic. We do not spend anything on marketing or sales, and we have not raised any external capital.

The love of our subscribers has taken us to Harvard Business Review, World Economic Forum in Davos, TED.com etc and even propelled us to become the official mentoring partner of Government of India’s Atal Innovation Mission (NITI Aayog)

We hope our journey resonates with you and through this newsletter, we hope to explain what you get when you subscribe to Network Capital. Our philosophy is that customer’s faith in the form of subscriptions is far more powerful than external money so we want to keep relying on your support to inch closer towards our mission of democratizing career intelligence.

If you want to learn more about our story, you can check out “The Seductive Illusion of Hard Work”, the global best seller and Amazon #1 ranked book published by Utkarsh.

  1. Full Access to All Network Capital Subgroups: Being a Network Capital subscriber gives you full access to all industry, city and goal-based subgroups around the world. From London to Lucknow, you get to meaningfully connect with other ambitious millennials like yourself and learn from them.

  2. Full Access to Network Capital TV: We like to explain ourselves as “Netflix” for Careers. Being a subscriber gives you unfettered access to all shows on Network Capital TV. From Nobel Laureates to Fortune 500 CEOs, we get the smartest people around the world to create content for you. You can literally pick any topic and our algorithm will automatically take care of the rest of your learning journey. To complement the algorithm, we have community managers so personalize your learning experience. AI + Community is the future of learning, as Utkarsh argues in his viral edtech analysis for World Economic Forum.  

  3. Learning Bootcamps: Subscribers get to attend all our learning bootcamps. This is the link for our MBA and MPP bootcamp. You not only get to consume the best content online, you get to connect with the incredibly talented professionals - alumni from top schools and top companies - who created these masterclasses.

  4. Daily Office Hours: We conduct office hours for our subscribers every single day. You can simply pick a slot that works for you and we will directly have you speak with our coaching unit composed of alumni from Harvard, INSEAD, Stanford, Kellogg, Wharton, Oxford, LBS, Microsoft, Facebook etc.

  5. Resume, LinkedIn and Essay Reviews: As part of your subscription, you get access to resume, linkedin and college/masters/business school essay reviews. These reviews are conducted by distinguished professionals who have actually gone through the process. For example, if you are applying to INSEAD/Facebook, Microsoft/ we will have someone at INSEAD/Harvard/Microsoft/Facebook take a close look at your profile and tell you what you need to do to apply. 6. Mock Interviews and Interview Preparation: Having coached thousands of students and professionals, we understand the art of combining powerful story telling with hard data to create a compelling personal narrative. We help our subscribers be their authentic best under stress-inducing situations. 7. Daily Job Board: We curate the best jobs and internships every single day and upload them on our job board. Further, we coach you to get those opportunities with 1:1 mentoring and referrals as and when appropriate. 8. Unparalleled Network: We not only help you discover incredible people, we teach you how to meaningfully add value to them. We call this “contribution capital”. Networking is not about hobnobbing and Tweeting. It is about adding value to others. By consistently adding value to others, we have built one of the world’s largest networks. To share an example, take a look at the recent YourStory feature. 9. Free Access to all Network Capital Events: We host thoughtfully curated events - both offline and online - around the world. Being a subscriber gives you free access to all events and even that of some of our partners. To share an example, during the India Impact Investing Week, all Network Capital subscribers got passes worth INR 5000 free of cost. 10. CEO Fellowship: All subscribers get to join the Network Capital CEO Fellowship which costs $300 free of cost. The first cohort of the CEO Fellowship brought together 72 dynamic individuals that are about to graduate. The next batch starts in 3 weeks and you can join before the seats fill up. Subscribe now

11. Peer Network and Peer Bonding: As Utkarsh explains in his INK talk, the strength of a network is proportional to the square of its trusted nodes. We have managed to scale trust and the result has been this amazing culture of sharing at scale. This peer network will last you a lifetime if you nurture it.

  1. Anonymous Posting and Mentoring: We have an "anonymous posting and mentoring as a service" feature for subscribers as there are times when our community members, their managers, their manager's manager and their CEO happen to be Network Capital members. In such cases, some people might feel reticent to share career transition plans and seek help.This is one example of a post from a subscriber. Hundreds of people helped this person out btw. "I am an engineer with prior consulting experience. Currently I am pursuing an MBA on the West Coast and interned with one of the world's most innovative automotive companies. I have the final round interview with McKinsey & Company San Francisco office in 2 weeks. I need some guidance on case interviews. Could you please spare 30 minutes? In return I will be happy to share my internship experience with best practices to convert into a PPO" 

  2. 0 Wait Time: Our subscribers are allowed to post directly to 100,000+ Network Capital member with no wait time. Whatever you are looking for, someone on Network Capital has done it and can help. Being a subscriber gives you unfettered flexibility.

We hope these 13 reasons are compelling enough and you join our mission. Excited to have you on board!